09 Jan Episode 98 – Hunting To Feed Your Family w/ AJ Neste

We’ve rebranded to Nuvitru Wellness!
I loved interviewing AJ Neste about this topic on hunting! I’ve always talked about how important it is to get GOOD quality animal products. Most of the meats you’ll find in the store are factory farmed mass produced and super unhealthy. If you don’t know a local farmer, hunting is a way you can take control of getting good quality wild animals.
We have rebranded to Nuvitru!!
Most of all, I love AJ’s view on hunting and his compassion and gratefulness for each animal that feeds and nourishes his family. This is what we’re covering in the podcast today:
- How he got into hunting
- The process of hunting and feeding his family
- How you can tell if an animal is healthy
- The emotional connection with the animal that is hunted
- Benefits of getting outside and in nature
About AJ Neste
Listen to more of our podcast. We have episodes on nutrition advice, genetics, Hashimoto’s Diet, and intuitive eating.