26 Sep MTHFR Gene Mutations, Methylation
Want to find out more about the MTHFR gene mutation? We have Tara Thorne on the podcast this week explaining it! We have rebranded to Nuvitru Wellness!
Who Is Tara?
Tara is a Clinical Nutritionist with a diploma from the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition. She also has training from the Institute for Functional Medicine, specifically in hormones, and is currently studying to become a Certified Functional Nutrition Coach in 2017. Tara is an expert at interpreting the DUTCH comprehensive hormone test. She has also studied methylation and clinical nutrigenomics at the Seeking Health Educational Institute.
Tara’s practice focuses on helping busy mums navigate the overwhelm and confusion surrounding how to live healthfully in a hectic world by providing evidenced-based functional nutrition and lifestyle strategies.
She is a mummy of two, an entrepreneur and a writer who writes for publications around the globe with a specific focus on nutrition. She runs her business online in order to help as many women as possible live the lives they deserve not ones fraught with hormonal imbalances and all the problems that come along with them.
Her own struggles with hormone imbalance were what lead her on this path and are why she’s able to understand and empathize with the struggles of the modern day mum.
The MTHFR gene mutation is quite common, so you’ll find out lots of people who have it. But what exactly can you do for your body once you know you have the MTHFR gene mutation, listen in. If you need to get tested for the MTHFR gene mutation, you’ll learn how to do it in this episode too!
Connect with Tara on her website, Facebook, + Instagram
Connect with Lahana from Nuvitru Wellness on the blog, Facebook, Facebook Group, Instagram!
Listen to other episodes of the podcast on topics such as autoimmunity, neurodevelopment, tooth decay, or neurodegenerative diseases.