06 Mar KIDS WITH ADD/ADHD: Influence Neurodevelopment
This week we are geeking out with Susan Phariss on neurodevelopment in kids with ADD/ADHD. Before we get into the episode, I just want to thank all the support with our multivitamin launch that happened this past week!
Remember, on the 15th of March we will be doing a giveaway of an APPLE WATCH when people purchase AND review it on Amazon. 🙂
We rebranded to Nuvitru Wellness!
What we cover in today’s episode….

- Why Susan got into this field of work
- How she works with ADHD/ADD children
- How long it takes to see improvement
- How what she does is different from a speech therapist or occupational therapist
- How food factors into ADD/ADHD
- What us parents may be doing that is harming our kids neurodevelopment {no judging! I promise!}
- Take away tips to improve concentration at home!
About Susan Phariss