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Turmeric Honey Facial Mask

Turmeric Honey Facial Mask

Turmeric Honey Facial Mask

Do you know how simple it is to make this turmeric honey facial mask? I’ve never had acne issues in my whole life until this year. I’m not sure if the move across country away from our family + friends made me really stressed and anxious or what really happened, but it was dreadful! The time I was really noticing it was when we were moving, so that’s why I assume that life event did something! I literally felt like I was a teenager! 

I’m anal with the food that I put in my belly, so I’m anal with the products that I put on my skin because it CAN be absorbed into the skin and into our body further causing hormonal issues. I’ve talked about BPA in plastic before + I have talked a little bit about parabens and other dangerous chemicals in skincare and how they can cause hormonal issues, specifically estrogen! We are up against A LOT of toxins in this world and I HAVE to control what I have control of for my health. Skincare included! 

I’ve tried a couple of non-toxic brands for basic skincare that I LOVE! But I also wanted to dig more into what I could make at home to help with hyperpigmentation that I have from pimples that I had in the past. It’s not technically scarring, just pigmentation that is darker than the rest of my skin. (Seriously, it’s annoying.)


I came up with three ingredients that showed benefits of hyperpigmentation, acne, and overall facial skin health, but I asked one of my friends who is an esthetician if she could clarify these ingredients + what they do for our skin!

  • -Honey definitely falls under the “anti-acne” category due to its anti-bacterial properties and the gluconic acid has also been claimed to exfoliate the skin, extra bonus! It’s hydrating in the sense that it would absorb water from the air/environment, which is fine if you’re using it as a mask.
  • -Turmeric IS MY JAM! It has terrific anti-inflammatory properties, so when it comes to acne, rashes, wounds (not open), some eczema’s/psoriasis, it certainly won’t hurt. The extract/oil version is great as well- I had a friend of mine decrease the swelling in her cyst with just turmeric extract and warm baths!
  • -Curcumin’s antioxidant power is great for anti-aging benefits though as it keeps free radicals from tumbling in. Lemons/Vitamin C are responsible for skin lightening, but definitely be careful if you’re skin is at all sensitive because the acidity could easily irritate those with sensitive skin! The antiseptic factor is great for acne/cleansing our pores, but a little goes a long way! You wouldn’t want to throw off your skin’s PH balance and create more problems! Either way, these definitely won’t hurt you, but have realistic expectations too! They probably won’t fill in wrinkles, make your pores “disappear” or plump up the skin like when we were babies, that’s unfortunately why Botox, lasers, and collagen fillers are thriving now, but they are great for simple skin care/health 100%! 🙌🏻

Personally, I’ve been LOVING this mask SO much. Every time I use it, my face is so much more soft, smooth, and acne breakouts seem to be way less consistent (especially around that time of the month!).

I’ve used fresh lemon juice and I’ve also used lemon essential oil. Since lemon is photosensitive, it’s not ideal to do this mask within 24 hours of being out in the sun a lot. I’ve been doing this mask about 3x a week!

The turmeric does stain your face a little bit once the mask comes off, so I follow up with my regular face wash and you’d never know I had turmeric on my face! 😉

P.S. I’m using Infinity Jars to store this mask in my fridge!

Turmeric Facial Mask


  • 2 Tbsp Raw Honey (Manuka is BEST!)
  • 1 Tsp Ground Turmeric
  • 1 Tsp Lemon Juice


  1. Mix all ingredients into a bowl.
  2. Take your finger and rub the mixture all over your face. Let it sit on your face for 10 minutes.
  3. Wash your face with warm water and follow up with your normal facial wash to take out any turmeric stain.
  4. If you have any leftover mask, you can store in a container in the fridge.

Try it out + let me know what you think on Instagram + Facebook @nuvitruwellness when you slather on our turmeric honey facial mask! xo

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Lahana Vigliano

Lahana Vigliano is a Certified Clinical Nutritionist and CEO of Nuvitru Wellness. She has her Bachelor's Degree in Nutrition Science and Masters Degree in Nutrition Science and Functional Medicine. She is currently pursuing her doctorate degree in Clinical Nutrition. Lahana and her team help support women who struggle with weight loss, hormonal imbalances, digestive issues, chronic fatigue, and many other lingering issues that leaves women not feeling their best. She uses food as medicine, as well as herbs and supplements when needed, to support her clients. She looks at the whole body holistically making sure women are understanding how nutrition, sleep, stress, and their environment impact their health. Connect with her on Facebook + Instagram (@nuvitruwellness).