09 Feb Stool Test Markers You Need
Can we talk poop?! If you’re not new here, you know that this is TOTES NORMAL conversation. Regardless if you struggle with a digestive condition or just simply checkin’ in on gut health, these are the stool test markers you need, so you can really get an understanding of your gut health! I would be a millionaire if I had a quarter for every time I’ve heard, “I’ve got my ____ checked + all is well, even though I don’t feel well.”
In that blank spot, insert the word ‘thyroid’ or ‘gut’ or whatever else. The truth is that conventional testing doesn’t always cover everything. (If you’re interested in thyroid, you can read this blog I wrote here!) For gut health, I see parasites and the big bad boy food poisoning type bacteria tested, but that’s about it. There is SO much more to the picture, which is why we run the stool test we do, so we can see what’s happening!
Stool Test For Gut Health
Calprotectin + Lactoferrin + MORE {Inflammation Markers}
These markers can give you a little looksie on inflammation levels inside your gut. Calprotectin and lactoferrin are the most common inflammatory markers that are looked at. But lysozymes and fecal eosinophil protein can also be helpful showing inflammation. The fecal eosinophil protein is a favorite marker lately for me, since it can indicate food allergies and parasites, which parasites are tricky AF to find in stool tests – more on that later. I like to see multiple markers tested, instead of just one because we’ve seen clients who are normal in one, but abnormal in the other.
Steatocrit/Elastase/Fecal Fat + MORE {Digestive Enzyme Function}
These markers are helpful in assessing digestive enzyme function and stomach acid levels. If your levels are off, this could explain some symptoms of indigestion, bloating, gas, etc. and can help understand why a reoccurring imbalance is happening. These enzymes and stomach acid need to be optimal in order to digest our foods properly, prevent gut imbalances (stomach acid win!), and then we’re able to absorb the nutrients from our food better! Whooo hooo! When you know these levels, your practitioner will know the right supplemental support you need.
Good + Bad Gut Bacteria {Gut Microbiome Balance}
While you’ll have no issue getting the big bad boy food poisoning bacteria checked, there is so much more to bacteria than the bacteria that causes food poisoning. You need to know good bacteria levels + see what probiotics are actually beneficial for you (yes, that means your current probiotic might not be needed!). There are other types of bacteria that aren’t technically going to cause food poisoning, but can cause symptoms + contribute to dysbiosis (an imbalance of good and bad bacteria) – like klebsiella. Know your balance!!
Zonulin {Leaky Gut Test}
This marker can indicate intestinal permeability (aka leaky gut). Our gates in between intestinal cells are to allow certain things, like nutrients, inside the body and keep out everything else. When those gates become “leaky”, we can start allowing things inside the body that shouldn’t be that can create food sensitivities, upregulated immune response, etc. This is a great marker to assess gut function and condition.
SIgA {Immune System Function}
We wrote a whole blog on what’s so special about SIgA here, but in summary it’s a way to see how our immune system is responding. It helps keep bacterial imbalance, parasites, yeast, etc at bay. It can also influence food allergies and sensitivities. When this is high, we know that something is going on. When it’s low, we know something is going on AND the body needs some additional support to upkeep with the demand. With this marker, we’re able to see the health of a part of our immune system and if your practitioner needs to provide additional support to your immune system.
Yeast {Yeast in Stool Test}
Why test yeast? Because you want to know if you have an overgrowth of yeast in your microbiome – duh! Yeast is a naturally occurring part of your microbiome, but it’s like Goldilocks. Yeast needs to be in check + balanced! When it’s overgrown, it can give us acne, skin issues (eczema), yeast infections, reoccuring UTI’s, impaired digestion + absorption, bloating/gas, joint pain, + more. Remember: a lot of what we see externally is all about what is happening internally. Anti-fungal support might be given to help move you in the right direction!
ß-glucuronidase {Hormonal Influence}
This enzyme can unpack your estrogen trying to leave the body and your estrogen getting reabsorbed (ugh – hello estrogen dominance). This enzyme is often out of wack due to an underlying issue inside the microbiome – bacteria related, yeast related, etc. I love that this marker can give you a little insight on how your phase 3 detox of your hormones is doing. 😉 This can also unpack toxins that have been processed by the liver and is waiting to leave the body. We do NOT want to unpack toxins, as they can also get reabsorbed into the body. More circulating toxins = no bueno.
Parasites {Parasites In Stool Test}
Last but not least, some of your favorite little buggers to get tested! PARASITES! Now heads up, parasites don’t drop with every stool dropping or even everyday. So, they can be hard to pinpoint sometimes, which is why I’m digging that marker eosinophil protein in your stool. They can go under the radar preetttyyy good, but if they do pop up in your stool – you know exactly what you need to target = get those buggers outta there! And even though parasites might make you think of a third world country that you visit, they are actually pretty common.
For the month of February 2021, we created a special IBS Bundle that includes an awesome stool test that tests alllll these markers! Make sure you get your hands on it before the end of the month or you’ll have to get wait-listed!