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Animals Don’t Cause Heart Disease

animals and heart disease

Animals Don’t Cause Heart Disease

Have you heard that you can’t eat a steak because it raises your risk of heart disease? We’re calling BS in this episode as Dr. Stephen Hussey lays down the science and truth behind what actually causes heart disease.

**We’ve rebranded to Nuvitru Wellness**

Heart Disease Questions We’re Answering

  • Human Diet Evolution
  • Why “saturated fats” aren’t bad
  • What really causes heart disease
  • Nutrients you get from animals that you can’t get from plants
YouTube video

About Dr. Stephen Hussey

Dr. Stephen Hussey MS, DC is a Chiropractor and Functional Medicine practitioner. He attained both his Doctorate of Chiropractic and Masters in Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine from the University of Western States in Portland, OR. He is the author of two books on health; The Health Evolution: Why Understanding Evolution is the Key to Vibrant Health and The Heart: Our Most Medically Misunderstood Organ. Dr. Hussey guides clients, or health participants as he likes to call them, from around the world back to health by using the latest research and health attaining strategies. In his down time he likes to be outdoors, playing sports, reading, writing, and spending time with his wife and their pets.

Connect with him over on his website, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube!

Connect with Lahana on Facebook, Instagram,and the blog!

Speaking on animal meats, head over to our Quick Beef Asian Bowl!

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Lahana Vigliano

Lahana Vigliano is a Certified Clinical Nutritionist and CEO of Nuvitru Wellness. She has her Bachelor's Degree in Nutrition Science and Masters Degree in Nutrition Science and Functional Medicine. She is currently pursuing her doctorate degree in Clinical Nutrition. Lahana and her team help support women who struggle with weight loss, hormonal imbalances, digestive issues, chronic fatigue, and many other lingering issues that leaves women not feeling their best. She uses food as medicine, as well as herbs and supplements when needed, to support her clients. She looks at the whole body holistically making sure women are understanding how nutrition, sleep, stress, and their environment impact their health. Connect with her on Facebook + Instagram (@nuvitruwellness).