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Natural Support For Endometriosis

natural endometriosis support

Natural Support For Endometriosis

Struggling with endometriosis? We’re covering what you can do with your foundation {nutrition, sleep, stress, environment} can impact endometriosis! While we have rebranded to Nuvitru, we’re answering the questions…

  • What foods should I be focusing on with endometriosis {AND what should I be avoiding}
  • Lab tests for endometriosis
  • Supplements for endometriosis

Next steps with endometriosis?


About Lahana Vigliano, CCN

Lahana Vigliano is a Certified Clinical Nutritionist and CEO of Nuvitru Wellness. She has her Bachelor’s Degree in Nutrition Science and currently pursing her Masters Degree in Nutrition Science. Lahana and her team help support women who struggle with weight loss, hormonal imbalances, digestive issues, chronic fatigue, and many other lingering issues that leaves women not feeling their best. She uses food as medicine, as well as herbs and supplements when needed, to support her clients. She looks at the whole body holistically making sure women are understanding how nutrition, sleep, stress, and their environment impact their health.

She creates tons of free resources in her blog and the Nuvitru Wellness Podcast that share real food recipes + content that helps women who are wanting to feed and take care of their families healthier + more holistically. She is also the creator of Nuvitru Wellness Supplements, which she formulates bioavailable and organic supplements to better support women’s lifestyle.

Connect with her @nuvitruwellness on Facebook and Instagram.

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Lahana Vigliano

Lahana Vigliano is a Certified Clinical Nutritionist and CEO of Nuvitru Wellness. She has her Bachelor's Degree in Nutrition Science and Masters Degree in Nutrition Science and Functional Medicine. She is currently pursuing her doctorate degree in Clinical Nutrition. Lahana and her team help support women who struggle with weight loss, hormonal imbalances, digestive issues, chronic fatigue, and many other lingering issues that leaves women not feeling their best. She uses food as medicine, as well as herbs and supplements when needed, to support her clients. She looks at the whole body holistically making sure women are understanding how nutrition, sleep, stress, and their environment impact their health. Connect with her on Facebook + Instagram (@nuvitruwellness).