10 Apr Constipation 101, What Our Poop Tells Us
Struggle with constipation + want to keep things flowing?
I don’t blame you! We have nutritionist, Alyssa Labrecque, on the podcast this week talking all things poop and constipation…..
- Why we’re constipated
- Foods that can be constipating
- How to keep things flowing
- What our stool tells us about our health
- Why it’s bad for your health to not go poop every single day
And we’ve rebranded to Nuvitru Wellness!
About Alyssa Labrecque
Alyssa Labrecque is a Nutritionist and owner of Soul Food Nutritionista. With a strong family history of irritable bowel disease and years of thinking her constipation, fatigue and extra weight were “normal”, Alyssa went on a mission to stop dragging herself through the day and to transform her body one simple step at a time. Today, she is on a mission to share her system by helping people to banish the gas, bloating and feeling awkwardly stuck to a toilet with angry bowel movements by teaching them how to love and trust their guts.
Connect with Alyssa over on Facebook, Instagram, and her website!
Connect with Lahana from Nuvitru Wellness on Facebook, Instagram, and her blog! If you are struggling with constipation, we specifically work with you to find the root cause to treat it. You owe it to yourself to live your best life. Maybe it’s a food sensitivity we find through the MRT test that you would never know about. Maybe it’s reading what your stool is telling us through stool testing. Are your children constipated?? Let’s take a deeper look into their diets and lifestyle.