09 Jul Non Toxic Sunscreen Brands
It’s summer time + we’re bringing out the sunscreen! Whooo hoo! I’ve written about the safety of sunscreens + why we shouldn’t be completely scared of it {because we need our vitamin D ya’ll}! But when you’re out in the sun for a long period of time or have fairer skin + don’t need to be exposed too long to get the vitamin D benefits, sunscreen is so needed! But the question is, which sunscreen is non-toxic and safe for the environment? The sunscreen we wear not only can have an impact on us, but can have an impact on our marine wildlife. I love this graphic made by the National Ocean Service (below!)

Non Toxic Sunscreen
This is why it’s so important to support brands that have safer sunscreens. This list is in no particular order.

Countersun from Beautycounter is one of my personal favorite safer sunscreens. I love the mission of Beautycounter in general with getting better beauty laws made + leading that mission. In addition to getting a nontoxic sunscreen, you can support a friend or simply buy it from the website (without having a rep!). No, I don’t sell it – just personally use it and love it!

Badger is a great brand that is found easily at Whole Foods, Sprouts, and grocery stores that sell more natural products! Badger also has a really great kid sunscreen line. Grab a bottle online!
Babo Botanicals

This sunscreen is rated really great on EWG. All of the ingredients are low (aka green + good!) on the rating scale of safety. There are great reviews on Amazon as well! Get your stick on Amazon now!
California Baby Calendula Sunscreen Lotion, SPF 30+

Another great rated sunscreen for baby by California Baby! It also holds Calendula, which is very soothing for skin. If you’re looking for a baby friendly sunscreen, try them out!
Juice Beauty Sport Sunscreen Lotion, SPF 30

I love that Juice Beauty is made with organic ingredients + they put an emphasize on being ‘reef safe’! Just like I stated above, this is a HUGE issue with sunscreens and I love that a company has a mission for this! Get Juice Beauty on Amazon!
Love Sun Body Mineral Sunscreen

Another company focusing on minimal chemicals, reef safe, and an overall great sunscreen product that is effective! Get Love Sun Body on Amazon!
Thinkbaby Sunscreen

Thinkbaby was one of Whole Food’s first approved sunscreens + they stand by being free of biologically harmful chemicals like avobenzone, oxybenzone, paraben, phthalates, PABA, 1,4 dioxane, and UV chemical absorbers. This is a top rated and reviewed sunscreen brand on Amazon as well. Another baby sunscreen for the win – grab your bottle on Amazon!
I shared some really great sunscreens that you can find for the whole family! Have you tried any of these? Any ones that I’ve missed that is natural, effective, non toxic, and loved? We’re all about sharing non toxic sunscreen! While we talk mostly about nutrition up in here, we love to cover environment and beauty with our clients because it’s THAT important. Skincare products are outside sources that can influence our hormones (and that can start a domino affect of internally bad health!)
If you’re ready to take the next step in your health + you’re curious about living your life more “natural” and “holistic”, find out what we can do for you!