Are you tired of having chronic vaginal yeast infections? Do you have acne flare ups as if you were still in your teenage years?Maybe you are frustrated relying on anti-fungals only to be let down by your reoccurring symptoms! You aren't alone, girl! You could be experiencing yeast overgrowth and it's time to see a yeast overgrowth nutritionist to get to the root cause of your symptoms!
No more staying in bed because you're uncomfortably bloated and dealing with a painful vaginal yeast infection (Yet AGAIN)! Your body is speaking to you, so what's it trying to tell you? It's time to get to the bottom of it!
by the newest trend you see on Facebook + all the health information as you scroll through Instagram.
You ask yourself “but, will it work for ME?!”
Or maybe even worse you already think, “This won’t work for me. I’m stuck this way.”
You are not stuck this way.
Even if you’ve worked with a ton of different specialists, we bring something unique to the table.
It's not just about focusing on topical or anti-fungal solutions. While it can be helpful, it can also be a band-aid to the root cause. Our passion + drive to help you uncover what your body is telling you and giving you the right diet and lifestyle support is a game-changer.
So, PSA: If we start talking to you about poop or hormones, don't freak out! I promise it's for a good reason. Your outside can reflect internal things! That's why people hire a acne nutritionist! 🙂
.. leave the house without makeup again!! can confidently rock going out in public without worrying about the discomfort of chronic yeast infections!
..feel beautiful AF from the inside out knowing you aren't bloated and always running to the restroom!
Most of our clients are inside one of our packages because that’s where the real transformation happens!
We don’t subscribe to any particular diet because we’re all different.
Our recommendations are different with each client keeping their health goals + current health struggles in mind.
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Yeast infections are an overgrowth of yeast. They can happen in the gastrointestinal tract, vagina, oral health, + more!
Stool testing is the only for sure way to know if you have yeast overgrowth, but symptoms of yeast overgrowth is skin issues, fatigue, bloating, diarrhea/constipation, declined cognitive function, frequent UTIs, white patches in your mouth, joint pain, + more!
Usually yeast infections are showing that the microbiome is out of balance and out of balance microbiomes increase the risk of UTI’s.
Yes! Because candida can create toxins + release it into the body + can give symptoms like dizziness.
YES! One of the biggest symptoms that show up externally is acne due to the impact candida has on the body internally + can show the burden of detoxification.
Absolutely! The microbiome plays a role in metabolism and weight gain can be your body holding onto toxins + protecting the body.
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