Ready to stop planning your day around the bathroom? Diarrhea nutritionist to the rescue!
If you're cancelling lunch dates because you're worried you may have to run to the bathroom, you aren't alone girl! We've been there and done that. No more turning the car around because you feel your stomach and you need to use the bathroom. Your body is speaking to you, so what's it trying to tell you?
by the newest trend you see on Facebook + all the health information as you scroll through Instagram.
You ask yourself “but, will it work for ME?!”
Or maybe even worse you already think, “This won’t work for me. I’m stuck this way.”
You are not stuck this way.
Even if you’ve worked with a ton of different specialists, we bring something unique to the table.
It's not just about focusing on a magic pill solution. While it can seem helpful at first, it can also be a band-aid to the root cause. Our passion + drive to help you uncover what your body is telling you and giving you the right diet and lifestyle support is a game-changer.
So, PSA: If we start talking to you about poop or hormones, don't freak out! I promise it's for a good reason. Your outside can reflect internal things! That's why people hire a diarrhea nutritionist! 🙂
.. leave the house without planning your day around the bathroom!
.. confidently go out on a date without worrying about having diarrhea and being stuck in the bathroom!
..kiss any old underwear GOODBYE. Bring out the sexy thangs because you've gotten things under control. 😉
Most of our clients are inside one of our packages because that’s where the real transformation happens!
We don’t subscribe to any particular diet because we’re all different.
Our recommendations are different with each client keeping their health goals + current health struggles in mind.
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Diarrhea can be caused from certain gastrointestinal infections, stress, medication or herbs, food sensitivities, + more!
Diarrhea is technically never “normal”. But it can be a “normal” side effect of something like food poisoning, which is not necessarily a bad thing as it’s the body’s way to clean it out.
You might be struggling with diarrhea after eating if you’re eating a food you’re sensitive to or you’re having issues breaking it down, like fat malabsorption or lactose found in dairy.
It can, but they don’t always go hand-in-hand.
Yes! Diarrhea can cause weight loss because it’s hard for you to absorb any nutrients and break down food.
Yes! If you’re losing fluids too quickly, it can cause you to lose necessary electrolytes.
Serving Austin & Houston, TX + All Around The U.S.
108 Wild Basin Rd S. Suite 250 Austin, TX
Phone: 512.501.2611
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