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Bug Bite Balm

homemade bug bite balm

Bug Bite Balm

It’s that time of year again, when everyone is “itching” to get outside and enjoy summer activities.  Speaking of itching, guess who else enjoys coming out this time of year?  Bugs!  As hard as we all try to avoid them, bug bites and bee stings seem to be inevitable.  I for one am a magnet for them!

One of my first projects when I started using essential oils was to create a simple, and chemical free, itch-relief remedy.  I ended up with these Bug Bite Balms, a simple DIY recipe which Lahana has so kindly invited me to share with you!

These little sticks are super easy to make.  If you have ever made a lip balm, or even melted chocolate, I promise that you can do it!  It starts out with a base of coconut oil, which has great cleansing and antibacterial properties in of itself.  Then it is combined with a bit of vitamin E and essential oils of lavender, tea tree, peppermint, and lemon.

Lavender essential oil is great for the skin; soothing irritation, itching, and inflammation.  Tea tree essential oil is well known for its broad spectrum antibacterial properties; making it excellent at cleansing the area and preventing infection.  Both peppermint and lemon essential oils provide cooling relief; helping to reduce swelling and ease pain.

Bug Bite Balm (for adults)


  • 10-12 lip balm tubes
  • ¼ cup coconut oil
  • 2 Tbsp. beeswax
  • 1 capsule vitamin E
  • 10 drops lavender (lavandula angustifolia) essential oil
  • 10 drops tea tree (melaleuca alternifolia) essential oil
  • 10 drops peppermint (menthe x. piperita) essential oil
  • 6 drops lemon (citrus limon) essential oil


If you have a double boiler it would work great for this.  Otherwise, you can achieve a similar affect using a small saucepan with an inch or so of gently simmering water and a glass measuring cup or mason jar.  Place the coconut oil and beeswax into your glass container and place it into the pan of simmering water.

Heat gently, stirring occasionally, until both ingredients are completely melted.  Remove from heat and carefully wipe off the outside of the container so that no water gets into your product.  Once the mixture has cooled slightly, but is still liquid, add the vitamin E and essential oils.

Pour immediately into clean and sterilized lip balm tubes or tins; cap and set aside to cool completely.  Don’t forget to label your bug bite balm!  Trust me on this one…it does not make a tasty lip balm if you happen to grab it by accident!

This year I tweaked my recipe a tad to make it appropriate for children, as it seems my poor little boy has developed his mommy’s bug-magnetism!  This version leaves out the peppermint and lemon essential oils.

Instead, it features Helichrysum which is a very gentle and an all-around healing essential oil.  This version is also made with a lower dilution rate

[1% instead of the 3% dilution in the previous balm]

and considered safe for children 2 and up.

Itsy-Bitsy Bug Bite Balm (Children 2 and up)

  • 10-12 lip balm tubes
  • ¼ cup coconut oil
  • 2 Tbsp. beeswax
  • 1 capsule vitamin E
  • 5 drops lavender (lavandula angustifolia) essential oil
  • 5 drops helichrysum (helichrysum Italicum) essential oil
  • 2 drops tea tree (melaleuca alternifolia) essential oil

Follow same directions as above for Bug Bite Balm, switching out the essential oils.

Here is wishing you a fun and bug-free Summer!

-Megan of the Lavender Giraffe

Megan has a bachelor’s degree in Health & Wellness in which she focused on nutrition and stress management.  It was through her studies in complementary and alternative therapies that she was introduced to aromatherapy.  She discovered a passion for using essential oils to enrich the body, mind, and spirit.  Since then, Megan has become an advocate for essential oil safety and is currently working towards gaining certification in Clinical Aromatherapy.  She loves spending time outdoors and going on adventures with her son.  You can follow Megan at www.thelavendergiraffe.com and on social media: Facebook and Instagram.

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Megan Hemling